Centro de Direito Biomédico | Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra


The Centre for Biomedical Law (CDB) was created by a decision of the Academic Board of the Faculty of Law, at the suggestion of Prof. Guilherme de Oliveira, in May 1988.

The CDB is a scientific institution devoted to research on the vast field of Health Law. Its activities spread from organizing public debate on Biomedical Law topics to improving the bibliographical resources of the Faculty of Law, and promoting education in Health Law (not only among lawyers but also among doctors, nurses, and all people working in the Health system).

CDB’s researchers collaborate with other national organizations, such Portuguese Medical Association, National Health Regulatory Board or even with the National Assembly with who has worked on new legislation on biomedical law themes.

Internationally, academic and scientific links are maintained with some European institutions, such as European Association of Health Law (http://www.law.ed.ac.uk/ahrc/eahl/).

The CDB is a member of several interdisciplinary projects funded by the European Commission in many areas related to the Health Law. The CDB also has several projects funded by other national and international institutions such as: Foundation for Science and Technology, Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities, British Council, private entities, etc..

The CBD is the first research institute which study health law and will be the right entity that offers the oldest and best team and is well prepared to respond to legal issues that may arise.